Wednesday 14 September 2011

Film Poster

Ghost Rider

The Genre of this film is action.

In this poster there is chains, fire, skulls, and he's wearing a leather jacket with spikes on it. It implies action genre. 

The poster in unconventional it does not have a release date or any names of actors or information apart from the title of the film 'Ghost Rider', location and roughly what the film is about eg. Chains, fire, skulls it all describes an action film. 

The location has a metal like background with scratches down it. The lighting starts from the title up making it look as if he's big and powerful. 

In this particular film poster there is not any symbols so you don't have to have any knowledge to decode anything. 

The main things in this poster is the main character, chains, fire, skull and the edgy font resembles sharp knifes. The background stands out because it looks like fire but it's grey. The chains are very in your face, they fill most of the poster. 

The layout of the poster has all the focus on the one character.

He has used that typeface because it reflects on the film by being on fire.

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